πŸ‘₯Pool Members

Joining a Yield Magnet Pool: Easy and Rewarding

Participating in a Yield Magnet Pool not only offers you an opportunity to generate profits effortlessly but also introduces you to a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Making a profit has never been more accessible and enjoyable on the Yield Magnet platform.

How to Invest:

  1. Choose Your Pool: Select the Yield Magnet pool that aligns with your investment goals.

  2. Connect Your Ethereum Wallet: Link your Ethereum wallet to the Yield Magnet platform for seamless transactions.

  3. Enter the Deposit Amount: Specify the amount of ETH you want to invest in the pool.

  4. Approve Your Deposit: Yield Magnet pools accept ETH but process deposits using WETH. Your ETH deposit is converted to WETH and returned to you. To facilitate this conversion, you need to approve the pool to spend WETH.

  5. Click the 'BUY' Button: Submit your deposit order, and you're all set. Once the pool manager processes your order, you become the proud owner of your pool tokens!

Selling Your Pool Tokens:

To sell your pool tokens, follow these steps:

1. Click the swap icon between the ETH and pool inputs, so the pool input is on top.

2. Choose either to withdraw instantly or place a withdrawal order.

3. Enter the amount of pool tokens you wish to sell.

4. Select the appropriate sell type:

- For instant withdrawal with higher gas fees, choose "INSTANT."

- To place a sell order for processing by the asset manager, select "ORDER."

5. Click the 'SELL' button.

Tips for Pool Members:

Participating in a pool is straightforward, but it's essential to understand your responsibility for your investments. Any losses you experience are your own responsibility. While Yield Magnet pools are secure, they can still encounter unfavorable trades or unscrupulous pool owners. To safeguard your investments, conduct due diligence on a pool and its owner before investing. Consider the following:

  • Check for linked social media accounts.

  • Be cautious of unverified users claiming to be influencers, as verified influencers have undergone a verification process.

  • Examine the user page of the pool owner.

  • Assess the performance of the pool.

  • Investigate the performance of the owner's other pools.

Also, be sure to engage with your pool community, as active participation enhances your overall pool experience and keeps you informed about any updates or developments.

Last updated